Wednesday 20 April 2011


[NEWS] Heo Young Saeng with his debut dance track "Let it Go"
The wait was finally over!!!!! ^^,

SS501's Heo Young Saeng will finally be following in the footsteps of his bandmates by going solo!

His agency, B2M Entertainment, revealed, "Heo Young Saeng will be working with Sweetunes, the composing team behind the majority of KARA's hit tracks. He won't be going for a ballad, but will present a strong dance track instead."

As the main vocalist of SS501, Heo Young Saeng already had his vocal talent recognized by the masses. Consequently, fans expected him to come out with a sultry ballad that displayed more of his talent. Young Saeng, however, is more determined than ever to show a new side of himself through his title track, "Let It Go."

With three out of the five SS501 members promoting in the industry, and Kim Hyun Joong preparing for his solo as well, fans can expect a busy year from the members. Kim Kyu Jong will also be transitioning into acting, and is currently taking acting lessons.

Young Saeng's album will be released on April 28th.


[BERITA] Heo Young Saeng dengan debutnya dance track "Let It Go"
menunggu itu akhirnya berakhir !!!!! ^ ^,

SS501 Heo Young Saeng akhirnya akan mengikuti jejak bandmates dengan pergi solo!

agensi-Nya, B2M Entertainment, mengungkapkan, "Heo Young Saeng akan bekerja dengan Sweetunes, susunan tim dibelakang mayoritas trek hit KARA. Dia tidak akan mennyanyi balad, tapi akan menyajikan lagu dan tari yang kuat sebagai gantinya."

Sebagai vokalis utama di SS501, Heo Young Saeng sudah punya bakat suaranya diakui oleh massa. Akibatnya, fans berharap dia keluar dengan balad sensual yang ditampilkan lebih dari bakatnya. Young Saeng, bagaimanapun, semakin mantap untuk menunjukkan sisi baru dari dirinya melalui judul lagu nya, "Let It Go."

Dengan tiga dari lima SS501 anggota mempromosikan dalam industri, dan Kim Hyun Joong mempersiapkan solo juga, penggemar bisa mengharapkan tahun yang sibuk dari anggota. Kim Kyu Jong juga akan beralih ke akting, dan saat ini mengambil pelajaran akting.

album Young Saeng akan dirilis pada 28 April.

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